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Version: 1.3.0

Aragon SDK

The JavaScript/TypeScript SDK for Aragon OSx

@aragon/sdk-client provides easy access to the high level interactions to be made with an Aragon DAO. It consists of three different components:

  • General-purpose DAO client
  • Custom clients for specific DAO plugins
  • Context for holding inheritable configuration

Contributors: See development below


Use npm or yarn to install @aragon/sdk-client.

npm install @aragon/sdk-client
yarn add @aragon/sdk-client


The use of the different SDK features and methods is demonstrated in the Examples (coming soon) section.

An extensive documentation of the different clients can be found in the auto-generated Reference Guide section.

React Native

In order for the SDK to be used in restricted environments like react native install the following polyfills into your project:

Then import them like the following before you import the Aragon SDK package:

import '@ethersproject/shims';
import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto';
import {Client} from '@aragon/sdk-client';


The building blocks are defined within the src/internal folder. The high level client wrappers are implemented in src/client*.ts

Low level networking

See ClientCore (/src/internal/core.ts):

  • Abstract class implementing primitives for:
    • Web3, contracts, signing
    • IPFS
    • GraphQL
  • Inherited by classes like Client and all plugin classes like TokenVotingClient.

Common interfaces, types, enums

When updating a ClientXXX (plugin) class:

  • Update first all affected enums, types and interfaces in src/internal/interfaces/plugins.ts

When updating the Client class:

  • Update first all affected enums, types and interfaces in src/internal/interfaces/client.ts

When updating the ClientCore class:

  • Update first all affected enums, types and interfaces in src/internal/interfaces/core.ts

Developing a new Plugin client

Create a new class that extends from ClientCore, receives a Context on the constructor and follows the structure of TokenVotingClient (./src/tokenVoting/client.ts).

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