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Version: 1.3.0

Execution Proposal

Execute a TokenVoting Proposal

Executes the actions set within a proposal made using the TokenVoting plugin.

import { ExecuteProposalStep, TokenVotingClient } from "@aragon/sdk-client";
import { context } from "../index";

// Insantiate a plugin context from the Aragon OSx SDK context.

// Insantiate a TokenVoting client.
const tokenVotingClient = new TokenVotingClient(context);

const proposalId: string = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890_0x0";

// Executes the actions of a TokenVoting proposal.
const steps = tokenVotingClient.methods.executeProposal(proposalId);

for await (const step of steps) {
try {
switch (step.key) {
case ExecuteProposalStep.EXECUTING:
console.log({ txHash: step.txHash });
case ExecuteProposalStep.DONE:
} catch (err) {


txHash: "0xb1c14a49...3e8620b0f5832d61c"
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