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Version: 1.3.0

Create a Proposal with Actions

Create a Multisig Proposal

Creates a proposal with actions whose governance mechanism is the Multisig plugin and its defined configuration. The actions are what will get executed once the proposal passes.

import {
} from "@aragon/sdk-client";
import { ProposalMetadata, TokenType } from "@aragon/sdk-client-common";
import { context } from "../index";

// Instantiate an Aragon OSx SDK client.
const client: Client = new Client(context);

// Insantiate a Multisig plugin client.
const multisigClient: MultisigClient = new MultisigClient(context);

const proposalMetadata: ProposalMetadata = {
title: "Test Proposal",
summary: "This is a short description",
description: "This is a long description",
resources: [
name: "Discord",
url: "",
name: "Website",
url: "https://website...",
media: {
logo: "https://...",
header: "https://...",

// Pins the metadata to IPFS and gets back an IPFS URI.
const metadataUri: string = await multisigClient.methods.pinMetadata(

// An action the proposal could take. This is only an example of an action. You can find all encoded actions within our encoders section.
const withdrawParams: WithdrawParams = {
amount: BigInt(10), // amount in wei
tokenAddress: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", // ERC20 token's contract address to withdraw
type: TokenType.ERC20,
recipientAddressOrEns: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", // address or ENS name to send the assets to

// Encodes the action of withdrawing assets from a given DAO's vault and transfers them over to the recipient address.
const withdrawAction = await client.encoding.withdrawAction(withdrawParams);

const proposalParams: CreateMultisigProposalParams = {
pluginAddress: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
actions: [withdrawAction], // optional - if left as an empty array, no action will be set for the proposal. the action needs to be encoded and will be executed once a proposal passes.

// Generates a proposal with the withdraw action as passed in the proposalParams.
const steps = multisigClient.methods.createProposal(proposalParams);

for await (const step of steps) {
try {
switch (step.key) {
case ProposalCreationSteps.CREATING:
console.log({ txHash: step.txHash });
case ProposalCreationSteps.DONE:
console.log({ proposalId: step.proposalId });
} catch (err) {


txHash: "0xb1c14a49...3e8620b0f5832d61c"
proposalId: "0xb1c14a49...3e862_0x0",
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