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Version: 1.4.0-alpha

Plugin Versioning

Aragon OSx versioning system

The Aragon OSx protocol has an on-chain versioning system built-in, which distinguishes between releases and builds.

  • Releases contain breaking changes, which are incompatible with preexisting installations. Updates to a different release are not possible. Instead, you must install the new plugin release and uninstall the old one.
  • Builds are minor/patch versions within a release, and they are meant for compatible upgrades only (adding a feature or fixing a bug without changing anything else).

Builds are particularly important for UUPSUpgradeable plugins, whereas a non-upgradeable plugin will work off of only releases.

Given a version tag RELEASE.BUILD, we can infer that:

  1. We are doing a RELEASE version when we apply breaking changes affecting the interaction with other contracts on the blockchain to:

    • The Plugin implementation contract such as the

      • change or removal of storage variables
      • removal of external functions
      • change of external function headers
  2. We are doing a BUILD version when we apply backward compatible changes not affecting the interaction with other contracts on the blockchain to:

    • The Plugin implementation contract such as the

      • addition of

        • storage variables
        • external functions
      • change of

        • external function bodies
      • addition, change, or removal of

        • internal functions
        • constants
        • immutables
        • events
        • errors
    • The PluginSetup contract such as

      • addition, change, or removal of

        • input parameters
        • helper contracts
        • requested permissions
    • The release and build metadata URIs such as the

      • change of

        • the plugin setup ABI
        • the plugin UI components
        • the plugin description
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