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Version: 1.3.0

Get DAO Balance

Get the Balance of a DAO

Gets a DAO's financial assets based on the DAO address or its ENS domain.

import { AssetBalance, Client } from "@aragon/sdk-client";
import { context } from "../index";

// Instantiate the general purpose client from the Aragon OSx SDK context.
const client: Client = new Client(context);

// Address of the DAO whose asset balances you want to retrieve.
const daoAddressOrEns: string = "0x12345...";

// Get a DAO's asset balances.
const daoBalances: AssetBalance[] | null = await client.methods.getDaoBalances({


type: "native",
balance: 100000n,
updateDate: <Date>
type: "erc20",
address: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
name: "The Token",
symbol: "TOK",
decimals: 18,
balance: 200000n
updateDate: <Date>
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