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Version: 1.3.0

Get DAOs

Get Existing DAOs from the DAO Registry

Gets a list of DAOs from the Aragon OSx DAO registry.

import {
} from "@aragon/sdk-client";
import { SortDirection } from "@aragon/sdk-client-common";
import { context } from "../index";

// Instantiate the general purpose client from the Aragon OSx SDK context.
const client: Client = new Client(context);

const queryParams: DaoQueryParams = {
skip: 0, // optional
limit: 10, // optional,
direction: SortDirection.ASC, // optional
sortBy: DaoSortBy.CREATED_AT, //optional, alternatively "SUBDOMAIN" (and "POPULARITY" coming soon)

// Get a list of DAOs from the Aragon DAO registry.
const daos: DaoListItem[] = await client.methods.getDaos(queryParams);


address: "0x12345...",
ensDomain: "test.dao.eth",
metadata: {
name: "Test",
description: "This is a description"
plugins: [
id: "token-voting.plugin.dao.eth",
instanceAddress: "0x12345..."
address: "0x12345...",
ensDomain: "test-1.dao.eth",
metadata: {
name: "Test 1",
description: "This is a description 1"
plugins: [
id: "address-list-voting.plugin.dao.eth",
instanceAddress: "0x12345..."
address: "0x12345...",
ensDomain: "test-2.dao.eth",
metadata: {
name: "Test 2",
description: "This is a description 2"
plugins: [
id: "token-voting.plugin.dao.eth",
instanceAddress: "0x12345..."
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