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Version: 1.3.0

Create Proposal with Action

Create a Token Voting Proposal with Actions

Create a proposal with an action using the TokenVoting plugin as its governance mechanism. An action is the encoded transaction which will get executed when a proposal passes.

import {
} from "@aragon/sdk-client";
import { DaoAction } from "@aragon/sdk-client-common";
import { context } from "../index";

// Create a TokenVoting client.
const tokenVotingClient: TokenVotingClient = new TokenVotingClient(

// The contract address of the token voting plugin you have installed in your DAO
const pluginAddress: string = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";

// Update
// [Optional] In case you wanted to pass an action to the proposal, you can configure it here and pass it immediately. An action is the encoded transaction which will get executed when a proposal passes.
// In this example, we are creating an action to change the settings of a governance plugin to demonstrate how to set it up.
const configActionParams: VotingSettings = {
minDuration: 60 * 60 * 24 * 2, // seconds
minParticipation: 0.25, // 25%
supportThreshold: 0.5, // 50%
minProposerVotingPower: BigInt("5000"), // default 0
votingMode: VotingMode.EARLY_EXECUTION, // default STANDARD, other options: EARLY_EXECUTION, VOTE_REPLACEMENT
// We need to encode the action so it can executed once the proposal passes.
const updatePluginSettingsAction: DaoAction = tokenVotingClient.encoding
.updatePluginSettingsAction(pluginAddress, configActionParams);

const metadataUri: string = await tokenVotingClient.methods.pinMetadata({
title: "Test proposal",
summary: "This is a test proposal",
description: "This is the description of a long test proposal",
resources: [
url: "",
name: "Forum",
media: {
header: "",
logo: "",

const proposalParams: CreateMajorityVotingProposalParams = {
pluginAddress: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", // the address of the TokenVoting plugin contract containing all plugin logic.
actions: [updatePluginSettingsAction], // optional, if none, leave an empty array `[]`
startDate: new Date(),
endDate: new Date(),
executeOnPass: false,
creatorVote: VoteValues.YES, // default NO, other options: ABSTAIN, YES

// Creates a proposal using the token voting governance mechanism, which executes with the parameters set in the configAction object.
const steps = tokenVotingClient.methods.createProposal(proposalParams);

for await (const step of steps) {
try {
switch (step.key) {
case ProposalCreationSteps.CREATING:
case ProposalCreationSteps.DONE:
} catch (err) {


txHash: "0xb1c14a49...3e8620b0f5832d61c"
proposalId: "0xb1c14a49...3e862_0x0",
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