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Version: 1.3.0

Get Token Details

Get Token Details

Returns the token details used in the TokenVoting plugin for a given DAO. These are the details of the token used to vote in that specific DAO.

import { TokenVotingClient } from "@aragon/sdk-client";
import { context } from "../index";

// Create a TokenVoting client.
const tokenVotingClient: TokenVotingClient = new TokenVotingClient(

// The address of the TokenVoting plugin whose token you want to retrieve details about.
const pluginAddress: string = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";

// Get the token details used in the TokenVoting plugin for a given DAO.
// ERC721 Token coming soon!
const tokenDetails = await tokenVotingClient.methods.getToken(pluginAddress);


type: 'erc20',
address: "0x1234567890987654323112345678900987654321",
name: "Token",
symbol: "TOK",
decimals: 18


address: '0x1234567890987654323112345678900987654321',
name: 'Wrapped Token',
symbol: 'wTOK',
decimals: 18,
underlyingToken: {
address: '0x012345678900098765432311234567890098765432',
name: 'Token',
symbol: 'TOK',
decimals: 18,
type: 'erc20'
type: 'erc20'


type: 'erc721',
address: "0x1234567890987654323112345678900987654321",
name: "Token",
symbol: "TOK"
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