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Version: 1.4.0-alpha



The abstract permission manager used in a DAO, its associated plugins, and other framework-related components.


public variable ROOT_PERMISSION_ID

The ID of the permission required to call the grant, grantWithCondition, revoke, and bulk function.


internal variable ANY_ADDR

A special address encoding permissions that are valid for any address who or where.

address ANY_ADDR

internal variable UNSET_FLAG

A special address encoding if a permissions is not set and therefore not allowed.

address UNSET_FLAG

internal variable ALLOW_FLAG

A special address encoding if a permission is allowed.

address ALLOW_FLAG

internal variable permissionsHashed

A mapping storing permissions as hashes (i.e., permissionHash(where, who, permissionId)) and their status encoded by an address (unset, allowed, or redirecting to a PermissionCondition).

mapping(bytes32 => address) permissionsHashed

error Unauthorized

Thrown if a call is unauthorized.

error Unauthorized(address where, address who, bytes32 permissionId)
whereaddressThe context in which the authorization reverted.
whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) missing the permission.
permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.

error PermissionAlreadyGrantedForDifferentCondition

Thrown if a permission has been already granted with a different condition.

error PermissionAlreadyGrantedForDifferentCondition(address where, address who, bytes32 permissionId, address currentCondition, address newCondition)
whereaddressThe address of the target contract to grant _who permission to.
whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) to which the permission has already been granted.
permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
currentConditionaddressThe current condition set for permissionId.
newConditionaddressThe new condition it tries to set for permissionId.

This makes sure that condition on the same permission can not be overwriten by a different condition.

error ConditionNotAContract

Thrown if a condition address is not a contract.

error ConditionNotAContract(contract IPermissionCondition condition)
conditioncontract IPermissionConditionThe address that is not a contract.

error ConditionInterfacNotSupported

Thrown if a condition contract does not support the IPermissionCondition interface.

error ConditionInterfacNotSupported(contract IPermissionCondition condition)
conditioncontract IPermissionConditionThe address that is not a contract.

error PermissionsForAnyAddressDisallowed

Thrown for ROOT_PERMISSION_ID or EXECUTE_PERMISSION_ID permission grants where who or where is ANY_ADDR.

error PermissionsForAnyAddressDisallowed()

error AnyAddressDisallowedForWhoAndWhere

Thrown for permission grants where who and where are both ANY_ADDR.

error AnyAddressDisallowedForWhoAndWhere()

error GrantWithConditionNotSupported

Thrown if Operation.GrantWithCondition is requested as an operation but the method does not support it.

error GrantWithConditionNotSupported()

event Granted

Emitted when a permission permission is granted in the context here to the address _who for the contract _where.

event Granted(bytes32 permissionId, address here, address where, address who, address condition)
permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
hereaddressThe address of the context in which the permission is granted.
whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) receiving the permission.
conditionaddressThe address ALLOW_FLAG for regular permissions or, alternatively, the IPermissionCondition contract implementation to be used.

event Revoked

Emitted when a permission permission is revoked in the context here from the address _who for the contract _where.

event Revoked(bytes32 permissionId, address here, address where, address who)
permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
hereaddressThe address of the context in which the permission is revoked.
whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who loses permission.
whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) losing the permission.

internal modifier auth

A modifier to make functions on inheriting contracts authorized. Permissions to call the function are checked through this permission manager.

modifier auth(bytes32 _permissionId)
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier required to call the method this modifier is applied to.

internal function __PermissionManager_init

Initialization method to set the initial owner of the permission manager.

function __PermissionManager_init(address _initialOwner) internal
_initialOwneraddressThe initial owner of the permission manager.

The initial owner is granted the ROOT_PERMISSION_ID permission.

external function grant

Grants permission to an address to call methods in a contract guarded by an auth modifier with the specified permission identifier.

function grant(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId) external virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) receiving the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.

Requires the ROOT_PERMISSION_ID permission. Note, that granting permissions with _who or _where equal to ANY_ADDR does not replace other permissions with specific _who and _where addresses that exist in parallel.

external function grantWithCondition

Grants permission to an address to call methods in a target contract guarded by an auth modifier with the specified permission identifier if the referenced condition permits it.

function grantWithCondition(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId, contract IPermissionCondition _condition) external virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) receiving the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
_conditioncontract IPermissionConditionThe PermissionCondition that will be asked for authorization on calls connected to the specified permission identifier.

Requires the ROOT_PERMISSION_ID permission Note, that granting permissions with _who or _where equal to ANY_ADDR does not replace other permissions with specific _who and _where addresses that exist in parallel.

external function revoke

Revokes permission from an address to call methods in a target contract guarded by an auth modifier with the specified permission identifier.

function revoke(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId) external virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who loses permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) losing the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.

Requires the ROOT_PERMISSION_ID permission. Note, that revoking permissions with _who or _where equal to ANY_ADDR does not revoke other permissions with specific _who and _where addresses that exist in parallel.

external function applySingleTargetPermissions

Applies an array of permission operations on a single target contracts _where.

function applySingleTargetPermissions(address _where, struct PermissionLib.SingleTargetPermission[] items) external virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the single target contract.
itemsstruct PermissionLib.SingleTargetPermission[]The array of single-targeted permission operations to apply.

external function applyMultiTargetPermissions

Applies an array of permission operations on multiple target contracts items[i].where.

function applyMultiTargetPermissions(struct PermissionLib.MultiTargetPermission[] _items) external virtual
_itemsstruct PermissionLib.MultiTargetPermission[]The array of multi-targeted permission operations to apply.

public function isGranted

Checks if the caller address has permission on the target contract via a permission identifier and relays the answer to a condition contract if this was declared during the granting process.

function isGranted(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId, bytes _data) public view virtual returns (bool)
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) for which the permission is checked.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
_databytesOptional data to be passed to the set PermissionCondition.
0boolReturns true if _who has the permissions on the target contract via the specified permission identifier.

internal function _checkCondition

Relays the question if caller address has permission on target contract via a permission identifier to a condition contract. Checks a condition contract by doing an external call via try/catch.

function _checkCondition(address _condition, address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId, bytes _data) internal view virtual returns (bool)
_conditionaddressThe condition contract that is called.
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) owning the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
_databytesOptional data to be passed to a referenced PermissionCondition.
0boolReturns true if a caller (_who) has the permissions on the contract (_where) via the specified permission identifier.

If the external call fails, we return false.

internal function _initializePermissionManager

Grants the ROOT_PERMISSION_ID permission to the initial owner during initialization of the permission manager.

function _initializePermissionManager(address _initialOwner) internal
_initialOwneraddressThe initial owner of the permission manager.

internal function _grant

This method is used in the external grant method of the permission manager.

function _grant(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId) internal virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) owning the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.

Note, that granting permissions with _who or _where equal to ANY_ADDR does not replace other permissions with specific _who and _where addresses that exist in parallel.

internal function _grantWithCondition

This method is used in the external grantWithCondition method of the permission manager.

function _grantWithCondition(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId, contract IPermissionCondition _condition) internal virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) owning the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
_conditioncontract IPermissionConditionAn address either resolving to a PermissionCondition contract address or being the ALLOW_FLAG address (address(2)).

Note, that granting permissions with _who or _where equal to ANY_ADDR does not replace other permissions with specific _who and _where addresses that exist in parallel.

internal function _revoke

This method is used in the public revoke method of the permission manager.

function _revoke(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId) internal virtual
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) owning the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.

Note, that revoking permissions with _who or _where equal to ANY_ADDR does not revoke other permissions with specific _who and _where addresses that might have been granted in parallel.

internal function _auth

A private function to be used to check permissions on the permission manager contract (address(this)) itself.

function _auth(bytes32 _permissionId) internal view virtual
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier required to call the method this modifier is applied to.

internal function permissionHash

Generates the hash for the permissionsHashed mapping obtained from the word "PERMISSION", the contract address, the address owning the permission, and the permission identifier.

function permissionHash(address _where, address _who, bytes32 _permissionId) internal pure virtual returns (bytes32)
_whereaddressThe address of the target contract for which _who receives permission.
_whoaddressThe address (EOA or contract) owning the permission.
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
0bytes32The permission hash.

internal function isPermissionRestrictedForAnyAddr

Decides if the granting permissionId is restricted when _who == ANY_ADDR or _where == ANY_ADDR.

function isPermissionRestrictedForAnyAddr(bytes32 _permissionId) internal view virtual returns (bool)
_permissionIdbytes32The permission identifier.
0boolWhether or not the permission is restricted.

By default, every permission is unrestricted and it is the derived contract's responsibility to override it. Note, that the ROOT_PERMISSION_ID is included and not required to be set it again.

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