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Version: 1.3.0


Actions are represented by solidity struct and executed by the DAO's execute function, resulting in an external call.

type Action {
dao: Dao!
data: Bytes!
execResult: Bytes
id: ID!
proposal: IProposal!
to: Bytes!
value: BigInt!


Action.dao ● Dao! non-null object

The DAO that will execute the function. ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The bytes-encoded function selector and calldata for the call.

Action.execResult ● Bytes scalar

The result obtained from the executed action in bytes. ● ID! non-null scalar

Concatenation of the proposalID and the index of the action. Joined by '_'.

Action.proposal ● IProposal! non-null interface

The proposal of the DAO containing the action to be executed. ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The address to call.

Action.value ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The native token value to be sent with the call.

Member Of

AddresslistVotingProposal object ● AdminProposal object ● Dao object ● IProposal interface ● MultisigProposal object ● TokenVotingProposal object ● TransactionActionsProposal object

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