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Version: 1.3.0


Transfers of ERC721 token associated with the DAO, including transfers sent to, received by, or intermediated by the DAO (refer to Enum TransferType for a better understanding of transfers associated with the DAO meaning).

type ERC721Transfer implements TokenTransfer {
createdAt: BigInt!
dao: Dao!
from: Bytes!
id: ID!
proposal: IProposal
to: Bytes!
token: ERC721Contract!
tokenId: BigInt!
txHash: Bytes!
type: TransferType!


ERC721Transfer.createdAt ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The timestamp of the block including the ERC721 token transfer .

ERC721Transfer.dao ● Dao! non-null object

The DAO that manages the transfer.

ERC721Transfer.from ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The Ethereum address from which the ERC721 token is being transferred. ● ID! non-null scalar

The concatenation of the transfer transaction hash, the log index and the action index. Joined by '_'.

ERC721Transfer.proposal ● IProposal interface

The associated DAO proposal, if applicable. Using the DAO deposit function there's no need for proposal. ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The Ethereum address receiving the ERC721 token.

ERC721Transfer.token ● ERC721Contract! non-null object

The ERC721 Smart Contract Token entity involved in the transfer.

ERC721Transfer.tokenId ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The ID of the transferred token.

ERC721Transfer.txHash ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The hash of the ERC721 token transfer to track the transaction.

ERC721Transfer.type ● TransferType! non-null enum

The type of transfer (External, Withdraw, Deposit) from the DAO's POV.


TokenTransfer interface

Interface representing a generic token transfer associated with the DAO. Each entity implementing this interface can be queried as TokenTransfer (refer to Enum TransferType for a better understanding of transfers associated with the DAO meaning).

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