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Version: 1.3.0


The supported callback functions for ERC standards registered with ERC-165 interface ID and callback function signature.

type StandardCallback {
callbackSelector: Bytes!
dao: Dao!
id: ID!
interfaceId: Bytes!
magicNumber: Bytes!


StandardCallback.callbackSelector ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The selector of the registered callback function.

StandardCallback.dao ● Dao! non-null object

The DAO associated with the supported callback functions. ● ID! non-null scalar

Concatenation of the DAO address and the interfaceID. Joined by '_'.

StandardCallback.interfaceId ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165 (XOR of all function selectors in the interface).

StandardCallback.magicNumber ● Bytes! non-null scalar

The magic number registered for the function signature.

Member Of

Dao object

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