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Version: 1.3.0


The ERC1155 Token balances of the DAO. Including all Token IDs and it's amounts held by the DAO per ERC1155 Token Smart Contract.

type ERC1155Balance implements TokenBalance {
balances: [ERC1155TokenIdBalance!]!
dao: Dao!
id: ID!
lastUpdated: BigInt!
metadataUri: String!
token: ERC1155Contract!


ERC1155Balance.balances ● [ERC1155TokenIdBalance!]! non-null object

Balance for each token ID from an ERC1155 Token Smart Contract.

ERC1155Balance.dao ● Dao! non-null object

The DAO that holds tokens from a ERC1155 Token Smart Contract. ● ID! non-null scalar

The concatenation of DAO Smart Contract address and ERC1155 Token Smart Contract address. Joined by '_'.

ERC1155Balance.lastUpdated ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The block timestamp of the last update (transfer) for this token balance.

ERC1155Balance.metadataUri ● String! non-null scalar

The URI of the ERC1155 Token Smart Contract.

ERC1155Balance.token ● ERC1155Contract! non-null object

The ERC1155 Token Smart Contract instance.


TokenBalance interface

Balance of the DAO for any kind of token. Each entity implementing this interface can be queried as TokenBalance.

Member Of

ERC1155TokenIdBalance object

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